We saw many inefficiencies with our off-the-shelf manufacturing software such as ERP, MRP, MES, and QMS. So, we developed our own Advanced Manufacturing application called Stardust that brings all our manufacturing data together in one solution.

Stardust is unlike any software available. Trust us, we tried a lot of them.

Take Control of your Production

  • Submit Inquiries

    Keeping track of emails is a hassle. With our ticket system, you submit a question and we give you an answer. We can even send a report of all corresponding messages with your QA package.

  • Organize Requirements

    Our orders are built off a powerful production data model. All part information and order requirements are specified by parameters, giving you full transparency of your orders.

  • Track Orders

    Stardust allows you to track orders in real time throughout production. Know the status of your job without needing to ask. No more ask, wait, receive, repeat. Sound familiar?